Book of Daniel
Daniel 2: The King’s Forgotten Dream
Daniel 3: Nebuchadnezzar and His Golden Image
Daniel 4: Nebuchadnezzar’s Testimony
Daniel 5: Transition in the Daniel 2 Image, from Gold to Silver
Daniel 6: The Silver Leadership of the Medes and the Persians
Daniel 7: The Four Beasts Out of the Sea
Daniel 8: Vision #3 – The Ram and the “Rough” Goat
Daniel 9: Vision #4 – Seventy Years & The Desolations of Jerusalem
Daniel 10: Vision #5 – The Final Vision
Book of Ezekiel
Ezekiel 3: The Commission: God’s Watchman
Ezekiel 4: Prophecies to the Children of Israel through Dramatization
Ezekiel 5: Prophecies to the Children of Israel through Dramatization
Ezekiel 6: Speaking to the Mountains
Ezekiel 7: Judgment: The End of Israel
Ezekiel 8: Abominations That Bring Desolation
Ezekiel 9: The Desolation Begins
Ezekiel 11: I-chabod! Continued
Ezekiel 12: The Effect of Every Vision
Ezekiel 13: Message to the Future
Ezekiel 15: Parable of the Vine Tree
Ezekiel 16: Cause Jerusalem to Know Her Abomination
Ezekiel 17: Parable of the Two Eagles
Ezekiel 18: A Proverb God Does Not Like
Ezekiel 19: Lamentation: No Hope of Scepters in the Wilderness
Ezekiel 20: Wilderness v. Promised Land Children of Israel
Ezekiel 21: Behold, I Am Against Thee
Ezekiel 22: The Indictment Against the Princes of Israel
Ezekiel 23: Indictment Against the Final Gentile Nation
Ezekiel 24: Abomination in the Final Gentile Nation’s Sanctuary
Ezekiel 25: Judgment Upon the Nations – Relatives
Ezekiel 26: Judgment Upon the Nations – Friends
Ezekiel 27: Lamentation for Tyrus – continuation on Ezekiel 26
Ezekiel 28: The Prince of Tyre
Ezekiel 29: Judgment Upon the Nations – Egypt
Ezekiel 30: Lamentation for Egypt
Ezekiel 31: Lamentation for Egypt continued, A Parable
Ezekiel 32: Lamentation for “Pharoah”
Ezekiel 33: God’s Watchman to the Land
Ezekiel 34: Shepherds and Sheep: A Definition
Ezekiel 35: Perpetual Hatred, Perpetual Desolations
Ezekiel 36: The Mountains of Israel
Ezekiel 37: Vision of the Valley of Dry Bones
Book of Revelation
Revelation 2: Message to the Churches
Revelation 3: Message to the Churches
Revelation 4: Visions of the Throne of God
Revelation 6: Jesus Begins His Reign in the Earth
Revelation 7: Jesus’ Reign Begins: Natural Disasters
Revelation 8: The Trumpet Judgments
Revelation 9: The Trumpet Judgments – continued
Revelation 10: The End is Here!
Revelation 11: The End of the Times of the Gentiles
Revelation 12: From the Perspective of Heaven
Revelation 13: A Deeper Look at the Red Dragon and the Beast
Revelation 14: The Day of the Lord
Revelation 15: The Wrath of God: The Last 7 Plagues
Revelation 16: The Wrath of God: The Last 7 Plagues
Revelation 17: The Wrath of God: Babylon the Great
Revelation 18: Babylon the Great: that “Great City”
Revelation 19: Babylon the Great is Fallen!
Revelation 20: The Millennial Reign of Christ