
Mark of the Beast

Mark of the Beast is a term that comes from Revelation 13:15-18, in which a leader, prophesied in Daniel 8:23 and 11:21, rises to power and marshals the world (including those who should really know better) toward the worship of the final Gentile world power – in its purest form of idolatry.

This book is the author's explication of the intersection of the Law of Moses, Christian philosophy, and end-time prophecy. It also proposes an approach to understanding: the origins of the obvious misogyny witnessed today; and of the “great deception” spreading like wildfire in this 6th and final Gentile power; and the underlying meaning of the symbol 666, the “mark of the beast”, at the end.


The 70th Week

The 70th Week is a term from Daniel’s prophetic message of chapter 9:23-27, in which Daniel is given 3 markers toward the day of the Lord – the end of Adam’s day.  The third marker will occur in the middle of the 70th week, and will be confirmed by the: 1) Cessation of the daily sacrifice and oblation, and 2) Establishment of the abomination of desolation.

This book is based upon the author’s proposal that the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation point to current events:

The cessation of the daily sacrifice and oblation occurred as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, and the abomination of desolation was established at the outcome of the first impeachment trial of the 45th President of the United States. 


Analyses on the Final Mysteries of God

After years of in-depth study of the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation, these writings are the result of the author’s understanding of the meaning of Revelation 10:7, completion of the mysteries of God.


The Iniquity of Sodom: Steps in the Decline of Mankind

The Iniquity of Sodom is a continuation on the author's "Analyses on the Final Mysteries of God" and proposes that certain recent world events might actually be the fulfillment of biblical prophecy related to the Apocalypse.  Her argument is based upon her understanding of the Law of Moses and the books of Ezekiel, Daniel, and Revelation.