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Latest Best Selling Book

Mark Of the Beast

Mark of the Beast is a term that comes from
RevelaƟon 13:15-18, in which a leader,
prophesied in Daniel 8:23 and 11:21, rises to
power and marshals the world (including
those who should really know beƩer) toward
the worship of the final GenƟle world power –
in its purest form of idolatry.
This book is the author's explicaƟon of the
intersecƟon of the Law of Moses, ChrisƟan
philosophy, and end-Ɵme prophecy. It also
proposes an approach to understanding: the
origins of the obvious misogyny witnessed
today; and of the “great decepƟon” spreading like wildfire in this 6th and final GenƟle power; and the underlying meaning of the symbol 666, the “mark of the beast”, at the end.

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